Workshop Series

CHS Greece, as part of its mission to "help educators, researchers, and the general public rediscover the humanism of the ancient Greeks" and its ongoing offering to the community, has established, since 2014, a series of workshops addressed to people of all ages throughout Greece.

The Center collaborates with university faculty, former and current CHS fellows & affiliates, and other experts who serve as coordinators and seeks new approaches to support the humanities while contributing to the wider public's interest in getting involved in intergenerational, interdisciplinary, lifelong learning activities. The annual workshop series of CHS Greece has become an important part of the Center's profile and operation and has been attended by people from all around Greece.

Workshop topics will be announced throughout the academic year of 2023-2024.

Past Workshop Topics

Aesthetics, Arabo-Islamic CultureArtificial IntelligenceAsia MinorAstronomy, Digital Resources, EpigraphyMale-Female PolarityMedicine, NetizenPlaywriting, PoetryProsePhilhellenism over 200 yearsPhilhellenism & RevolutionPhilhellenism through time2022 Research Workshop 2022, Research Workshop 2021Translation